Let's Nourish Your Spiritual Growth, Personal Empowerment, Intuitive Development,
and Angelic Connections
Teaching is my passion, and I am so excited you will join us on this journey of spiritual enrichment.
Angel Blessings,
Robin Tesei xo
In-Person and Live via Zoom
Trumbull, CT
Experience the Archangels Powerful Healing and Guidance.
Attuning to the powerful Archangels is invaluable as they each have specific roles in helping relieve your worries, fears, anxieties, ailments, and blocks.
Be amazed as we share real-life inspiring miracles.
Mercy By the Sea, Madison, CT
Friday to Sunday
Step away from your busy routine and feel yourself replenish as you spend two days with your angels releasing burdens & stresses, while Embracing Peace at this Beautiful Seaside Retreat!