Over twenty years ago, Robin found herself single-handedly raising two young children, navigating a child with medical issues, commuting to work, driving miles to doctors, managing a home with limited finances and surmounting medical bills. It was not easy! However, during all the trauma and challenges, angelic guidance appeared in Robin’s life, she had a Divine awakening, and she began to eagerly communicate with the angelic realm.

While communicating daily with her angels, Robin saw her life positively transform into more joy, greater self-love, challenges became manageable, miracles appeared, healing occurred, self-worth blossomed, and her heart was filled with unconditional love and support from her angels.

Robin became so excited and passionate about the angels, she wanted to share her amazing experiences with the world.

As a result, AngelHappiness was created where Robin devotes her intuitive gifts, years of spiritual trainings, and channeled wisdom, to empower, guide, and nurture others.

Robin has helped thousands navigate life’s challenges with personal and spiritual growth. She has empowered them with spiritual development, intuitive enrichment, angelic connections, and life transforming healing through her private readings, intuitive mentoring, and spiritual workshops.

Robin has certifications in Angel Communication, Intuitive Empowerment Coaching, Angel Healing, Angelspeake, Angel Therapy, Angel Card Readings, Mediumship, and Reiki.


This is My Journey…


I grew up with a strong faith in God and prayed every day. Whenever I asked for help, the right people and situations were Divinely guided into my life.  There were also a handful of times where I was being protected during dangerous encounters. It was from these threatening experiences and answered prayers that my faith and spiritual curiosity grew.


One remarkable event sticks in my mind. It was a snowy, winter evening while driving on the slippery Interstate. I was one of few cars on the road, but there were many large tractor trailer trucks driving closely behind me. We were all driving much faster than we should have in such slippery conditions. Suddenly, my car slid out of control, it spun around, and I was facing the on-coming trucks. Fear flushed throughout as thoughts of being hit head-on filled my mind. However, to my surprise, when I looked up, the three trucks that were now within five feet of me were completely stopped. What? It would have been impossible for those large, speeding trucks to stop so abruptly in such bad conditions. So, how did that happen? Well, I later learned that my angels saved my life by stopping the trucks. Thank you, Angels! It was unbelievable how I was saved from a head-on collision! I can certainly say this experience brought awareness to how I was being Divinely protected, and how there was definitely something more spiritually powerful than I had imagined.


A few years went by when I received a strong feeling to lead my church’s High School Youth Group. Actually, it was more than a guidance, but a strong nudging pushed me in that direction. A push I could not ignore! Gratefully, I followed the nudging, for leading the teenagers brought profound validation that my soul’s passion was to serve and guide others.

Guiding the youth group was invaluable! A memorable experience I absolutely loved was leading them to participate in the Appalachian Service Project in West Virginia. Spending time in Appalachia was a Divine gift. My heart was saturated with compassion while being of service to the residents who lived in very poor conditions.

Working in rural Appalachia opened the eyes of our youth group because this was the first time they were in homes without running water or indoor bathrooms. They were exposed to children who had no shoes on their feet, and their bathtub was the stream nestled behind the outhouse. These families collected buckets of rainwater for washing and drinking.

While our youth group worked hard in the hot sun each day, I saw miraculous transformations in this one short week. Their teenage thoughts shifted from expecting and wanting, to compassion and gratefulness. They converted from being judgmental and entitled, to accepting and all-loving. Their hearts opened to appreciating their families, embracing their peer differences, and being grateful for their abundance. I was extremely moved to see the transformations in these teenagers!

It was from watching this miracle unfold, I knew my greatest joy came from seeing others filled with love, compassion and appreciation. This blessing of working in Appalachia saturated my heart with the purpose of, “How can I be of more service”? Years later, God and the angels would show me the way.


Years passed, I maintained the strong desire to be of service, and my spiritual cravings increased. Then, one fateful day an acquaintance began talking about angels. I knew angels were written about in the Scriptures, but my childhood beliefs told me these angels only appeared during the Biblical times. I certainly was mistaken! As this acquaintance continued speaking, my heart fluttered with excitement, I felt like I was “home,” and I suddenly realized, this is what I had been searching for.

She then told me about the book, “Angelspeake, How to Talk with Your Angels,” written by Trudy Griswold and Barbara Mark. It was this one small book which became the catalyst to my enormous spiritual growth and projected me on my spiritual journey. From that day forward, I wrote to my angels daily. It felt empowering to receive their loving messages and insightful guidance. My life was forever changed! I was spiritually awakened!


As I continued to write the angels daily, I still felt very eager to enhance my spiritual journey. Therefore, I attended numerous seminars and workshops, and I took every certification course I could find. Reading books on spirituality and healing became an obsession, in addition to weekly spiritual coaching sessions and a multitude of angel readings. It reached the point where I was so inspired by the angels loving guidance, that I wanted to share my excitement and miracles with everyone else! It became very clear that my life passion was to teach about the angels and guide others to experience their own empowering transformations.  As a result, AngelHappiness was born.


After the birth of my angel business, nothing could have supported me more for the shock of my life; my dear brother suddenly passed. Michael and I were soul-siblings. He was my best friend. I absolutely adored him, and we emotionally supported each other. As you can imagine, his departure left a huge hole in my life. To help mend my heart, I have worked with the healing power of the Archangels. I have written the Divine angels daily for their guidance, and thankful for my mediumship gifts, I have found great comfort in communicating with my brother. Two days after his passing, Michael came to me; he appeared happy and healthy. My brother said, “Look Robin, it’s me, Mike. I’m okay. I’m okay. Robin, I AM OKAY!” These words were very poignant because each day leading up to his death, he asked me with fear, “Robin, will I be okay?” Michael also said he loved me and appreciated everything I had done for him. As he was saying these words, he was patting his legs and arms with his hands to show he was real and alive.

Grateful for his appearance and comforting messages, I decided to write him daily and ask for guidance with my life. Michael has helped with my children, my parents, my home, and my spiritual journey. From this tender communication, I have the wonderful knowing that my brother is watching over me, and his soul is very much alive.


Through the AngelHappiness workshops, empowerment coaching, angel readings, and healing sessions, it is my honor to guide you on your spiritual journey, and nurture your spiritual gifts. 

Working with the angels is Empowering! Asking questions and receiving their step-by-step guidance is Enlightening! You are never alone on your journey here on earth. The angels love you, unconditionally!

Empowering You with Gentle Guidance and Healing!

Angel Love and Blessings,
