Workshops are catered to your children's age group and specific needs

Would you like your child to know and feel unconditional Angelic Love?

Would you like your child to be guided along their spiritual path in a loving way?

In this world of many choices to make, wouldn’t it be reassuring to know your child will always be able to turn to the angels for their loving support and be guided in a positive direction?

This empowering workshop will bring awareness to your children on how the angels are with them all day. This workshop will teach techniques on how to ask the angels for guidance, and it will enhance your child’s knowing of how to connect with their angels.  This children’s workshop is extremely engaging and fun! The class is outlined as follows:

  • Story time which details who the angels are and what they do all day.
  • Archangels are discussed while sharing large, colorful pictures of these magnificent angels.
  • Guardian angels are described and a discussion on how they always stay with your child, to love and guide.
  • Cherub angel cards are passed around to receive a special angel message.
  • Art time to visualize and draw their guardian angel. You will be amazed at the colors and artistry your children display.
  • A Meditation to lovingly guide your child to their inner connection and knowing.
  • Discussions to learn about the angel signs (feathers, rainbows, pennies, butterflies, dragonflies).
  • Children will learn how to ask the angels for help with friends, siblings, school, teachers, family and pets.
  • Teaching your children about the angels is absolutely priceless!


Date: TBD

Time:   TBD

Place: TBD

Investment: TBD