This morning, after my daily Protect, Connect, and Grounding meditation, and after getting my angel messages for the day, I kept thinking about you, Robin. I know I’ve thanked you numerous times, but this morning I felt this immediate surge of gratitude for you and your gift to me. I know that we were brought together by God and our angels for a reason. When I first called you, I was in such a dark place. Loosing my cousin really threw me a curveball. Since talking to you during an angel reading, and taking a few of your workshops, I now walk with confidence knowing that my loved ones are still with me. I was holding on to such anger against my Dad for too many years. Now, when I think about him, I see him as a loving person who is watching over me and my family. I now can see him with a smile on his face enjoying all 7 of his great grandchildren.  I also know that at any time I can call on any one of my angels to help me with whatever I am struggling with. I am far from thinking that I won’t have some setbacks, but at least now I have some of the tools I need to get me through the day. I also know that I have more to learn and I look forward to taking more workshops in the future. Thank you, Robin!

~ Maria V.