Monday, November 20th ~ 7:30 pm EST ~ Live via Zoom

Sign-Up HERE $37

Recording Provided even if you can't make the live class date

Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude!

Our angels can't emphasize enough how important it is to have a daily gratitude practice.

Why is this so important?

  It raises your vibration.

  It fosters a healthy mindset which positively affects overall health.

  It magnetizes abundance into your life.

  It brings peace and joy into your experience.

  It cultivates manifestations.

  It nourishes self-love and loving thoughts.

During this class, you will receive new insights, from a deep spiritual level, on how to further nourish your life with a gratitude practice. Your angels will provide wisdom to look beyond what is already obvious, and to nurture the life you desire.

To help with this, Archangel Jophiel will take you on a meditation journey where she will help you see yourself and others through loving eyes. She will infuse you with self-loving thoughts, and she will remove negativity.

This is powerful for healing, building self-love, self-worth, and great self-value.

In addition to the attunement, this class includes insights to who Archangel Jophiel is, the roles she plays to inspire you, and how she helps you see your beauty from the inside-out.

Sign-Up HERE $37

Recording Provided even if you can't make the live class date